how to get your ffl in new hampshire

4 Steps to Get Your FFL in New Hampshire (NH)

America is one of the only countries in the world where individuals can own firearms with little to no government intervention.

If you want to open up your own gun shop, you can do so with relative ease in many states — like New Hampshire! All you need to do is get your Federal Firearms License (FFL).

An FFL allows you to sell firearms such as handguns, long guns, ammo, and other NFA items. You may also sell firearms at gun shows with your FFL.

As long as you have an active FFL and follow all Federal and State laws, you’ll be able to serve your community as a gun dealer in no time.

In this article, we will discuss:

  • FFL Cost
  • Steps to getting your FFL in New Hampshire
  • Federal Requirements for an FFL
  • New Hampshire State Requirements for an FFL
  • New Hampshire Local (City/Town) FFL Requirements
  • FAQs and additional resources

FFL Cost in New Hampshire

How much does an FFL cost? An FFL in New Hampshire costs between $30-$200 for the first 3 years. This cost is not state-specific and varies based on the license type.

When you fill out an FFL application with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), you choose from several license types.

The license types vary in price depending on the functions you, as a licensee, intend to perform. This includes whether the licensee is just trying to sell a few handguns, incorporate gunsmithing, or handle NFA items, for example.

Each of these activities requires a different type of license for which the application fees range in price.

FFL License Cost by Type

FFL LicenseApplicationRenewalYears
Type 01$200$903
Type 02$200$903
Type 03$30$303
Type 06$30$303
Type 07$150$1503
Type 08$150$1503
Type 09$3,000$3,0003
Type 10$3,000$3,0003
Type 11$3,000$3,0003

To handle NFA items (such as silencers, short-barrel rifles, machine guns, destructive devices, etc.), you must pay additional costs in the form of an SOT license registration.

Steps to Getting Your FFL

To get your FFL in New Hampshire, you need to:

  1. Ensure you meet the federal requirements for an FFL
  2. Choose your FFL type
  3. Take an FFL course
  4. Submit your FFL application forms

Step 1: Ensure You Meet FFL Federal Requirements

First, you need to make sure that you meet all Federal and state requirements. These are the same for all 50 states (more on that below).

Step 2: Choose Your FFL Type

Second, ensure you apply for the appropriate FFL type. Depending on your business intentions, you will need to make sure you choose the license type that will allow you to lawfully operate.

Most FFL dealers operate under a Type 01 license (for most firearms dealers and gunsmiths) or a Type 07 license (for manufacturing). You can both manufacture and sell firearms with a Type 07 license.

To determine what type of FFL best suits your needs, read this article, where we break it down.

Some types of firearms and accessories require you to be an SOT (Special Occupational Taxpayer). You’ll apply as an SOT after being assigned your FFL number.

You’ll need to be an SOT if you plan to sell these NFA items:

  • Silencers
  • Full-auto machine guns
  • Short-barreled rifles (rifles with a barrel shorter than 16″ or an overall length under 26″)
  • Short-barreled shotguns (shotguns with a barrel shorter than 18″ or an overall length under 26″)
  • Destructive devices (grenades, mines, bombs, etc.)
  • Any other weapons (pen guns, specific special handguns, etc.)

The table below describes each FFL License type and which SOT Class you’ll need to apply for after getting your FFL to sell firearms covered under the NFA.

We cover all of the specifics of SOT classes and the NFA in our Get Your FFL Course.

FFL License Types

FFL License TypeFFL License PurposeSOT Class
Type 01 FFLDealer/Gunsmith of Firearms3
Type 02 FFLPawnbroker/Dealer of Firearms3
Type 03 FFLCollector of Firearmsn/a
Type 06 FFLManufacturer of Ammunitionn/a
Type 07 FFLManufacturer/Dealer of Firearms and Ammunition2
Type 08 FFLImporter/Dealer of Firearms1
Type 09 FFL Dealer of Destructive Devices3
Type 10 FFLManufacturer/Dealer of Destructive Devices2
Type 11 FFLImporter/Dealer of Destructive Devices1

Step 3: Take an FFL Course

The next, and arguably most important step, is to take an FFL course from a qualified instructor.

The logistics of getting your FFL License can be confusing, which is why I developed Rocket FFL based on decades of research and work as an attorney in the firearms industry. This is to help you achieve your goal as quickly and efficiently as possible.

It is not required by law for you to take a course. However, I’m a firearms attorney specializing in ATF compliance, and I could get rich by letting people improperly apply for their FFL and charge my hourly rate to fix it for them later… Trust me, you don’t want that to happen.

Instead, I highly recommend getting our course and learning how to do everything correctly the first time!

For the most value, get the FFL Course and SOT Course combo. You’ll learn how to apply to buy and sell silencers and Short Barreled Rifles (SBRs) in addition to standard firearms covered by just your FFL. Just select the course upgrade at checkout.

Step 4: Submit Your FFL Application Forms

Finally, once you’ve made sure you meet all requirements (federal and state), verified the appropriate FFL type for your business, and taken the Rocket FFL course, you are ready to “pull the trigger” and apply for your FFL!

After you submit your forms to the ATF, they will start the process by completing a background check through the NICS system on all “responsible persons” for the business. A responsible person (RP) is either the sole proprietor, a partner in the corporation, or will influence its practices and policies.

Once all application paperwork is verified as correct, and all background checks are complete, the application is sent to a local ATF field office. From there, an industry operations investigator (IOI) will interview you to make sure all information is still correct and that you follow all state and local requirements.

The IOI will then make a recommendation to either approve or deny your FFL application. Assuming you passed, the ATF field office supervisor will then submit the approved application to the Federal Firearms Licensing Center (FFLC). You will be the next New Hampshire FFL holder!

According to the ATF website, this takes about 60 days from when a completed application is received. Additional steps and forms are required for residents of some states, but not New Hampshirites.

If you took the Rocket FFL course, you’ll have every detail and access to all the necessary forms to quickly apply for your Federal Firearms License.

Federal Requirements for an FFL

The federal requirements for getting an FFL are the same for every state. 

To get an FFL, the federal government requires that you:

  • Are at least 21 years of age
  • Are a US Citizen or legal permanent resident
  • Are legally permitted to possess firearms and ammunition (no felony convictions, have not been a psychological patient or controlled substance user, etc.)
  • Have a predetermined location for conducting FFL activities (this includes home-based FFLs)
  • Have never violated the Gun Control Act (GCA) or related regulations
  • Do not make any false statements/claims on your FFL application

Once you satisfy all of these requirements, you can then move on to the state-specific requirements.

New Hampshire State Requirements for an FFL

New Hampshire state requirements for an FFL can be broken down into two categories:

  1. State licensing requirements
  2. Business registration requirements

New Hampshire State Licensing Requirements

Luckily for New Hampshire residents, there are no additional licensing requirements or state laws for gun dealers beyond getting your FFL. This means that your federal firearms license is all you’ll need to be one of the distributors of handguns, rifles, ammo, and more in the state of New Hampshire.

However, if you move your FFL to another state, you may have state-level registration requirements in your new state.

New Hampshire Business Registration Requirements

As is with any state, you’ll need to register your business with the state you plan to operate in.

Even with a business is registered in another state (we suggest this in our Get Your FFL course), you’ll still need to have an official presence in New Hampshire.

When you register your business with the state, we recommend you check out this FAQ page from the state Department of Revenue Administration. It has links to all the information you’ll need during this process.

New Hampshire Local (City/Town) FFL Requirements

The last (and often trickiest) part of setting up your firearms business is following all zoning requirements. It is at this point that you will need to make sure that the location you choose is legally allowed to operate in

It’s common to inquire about an FFL for a home-based firearms business and be told you can’t operate in a residential area. However, this is often due to a misunderstanding of the type of business you would be running.

When a zoning department hears “FFL,” they may assume regular retail business and heavy foot traffic (which doesn’t fly in residential locations). Home-based FFLs, however, don’t have heavy foot traffic but instead only have a handful of people stop by every now and then.

We cover this and more, including requirements for specific business hours, in our Get Your FFL course

New Hampshire FFL Summary

New Hampshire is a very gun-friendly state. If you decide to pursue FFL licensing, you shouldn’t face many challenges beyond the initial FFL process (which is complex).

As long as you meet the Federal and State requirements, choose the appropriate license type, take our online course, and fill in the proper forms, you’ll be on your way to being the newest owner of a New Hampshire FFL.

However, even in states as gun-friendly as New Hampshire, there are still some areas where it can get confusing. This is why we strongly recommend you take our course on how to get your FFL.

With our course, you can, with confidence, fill out your forms and get through the process with ease. Trust me — knowing that you are running your business safely and within all the confines of both federal and local laws will be a massive load off your mind.

So, if you’re ready, let’s get started!

FAQ for New Hampshire FFL Licensing

How much does it cost to get an FFL in New Hampshire?

An FFL in New Hampshire costs anywhere from $30 to $200 for 3 years. For a full breakdown of the cost of an FFL, check here

Do I need an FFL in New Hampshire?

Yes, if you plan to sell, transfer, manufacture, or do anything else for profit involving firearms, you are legally required to have an active FFL.

Does New Hampshire require extra licensing for FFLs?

No, there are no gun laws in the state of New Hampshire that require additional licensing for FFL dealers.

Do I need to register a business for an FFL in New Hampshire?

Yes, if you are forming a business for your FFL, it must be registered in New Hampshire.

Can I get an FFL to save money on guns?

No, you should not get an FFL just to save money on guns. One of the main requirements for getting your FFL is “business intent,” which means you plan to operate a firearms-related business for profit of some kind.

However, you may wait to start your business until after you get your FFL number.

Extra Resources For Getting a New Hampshire FFL

US Code § 923: Code § 923 covers federal regulations for the import, manufacture, and dealing of firearms and ammunition. This is the federal law that requires those operating firearms businesses to get an FFL.

US CFR § 478.47 – Issuance of license.: This code explains how a Federal Firearms License is issued, including who must assign the license number. It requires the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) to qualify applicants based on a predetermined list of requirements and to issue Federal Firearms Licenses.

If a correctly submitted FFL application has been submitted on ATF Form 7, the Chief of the Federal Firearms Licensing Center (a department at the ATF) must issue the license and assign a serial number to the licensee.

Gun Control Act (GCA): The GCA of 1968 establishes stricter laws on the firearms industry than were already present in the NFA. New regulations regarding firearms offenses, firearms/ammunition sales to “prohibited persons,” and federal jurisdiction for “destructive devices” (bombs, grenades, mines, etc.) were created with the GCA.

Starting a Business in New Hampshire: Use this webpage from the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration to find helpful information on registering your business with the state.

FFL Types: Use this guide to make sure that you choose the right type of Federal Firearms License for what you want to do.

Home-Based FFL: Don’t want to pay for a storefront but wish to operate as an FFL holder from your home? We explain how to do it from start to finish.

Ryan Cleckner is a former special operations sniper and current attorney specializing in firearms law/ATF compliance and is a firearms industry executive (former govt. relations manager for NSSF, Vice President of Remington Outdoor Company, and a SAAMI voting board member).

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