Category: Statistics

Articles related to firearms industry statistics.

Firearms Manufactured in the US

Number of Firearms Manufactured in the United States [2025]

Welcome to the mother-load of ATF-related data on firearms in commerce! Each year the ATF publishes a report that includes data on the number of firearms in commerce (made, exported, and imported) and statistics on NFA firearms (forms, revenue, and distribution) and FFLs (applications and inspections. In the ATF’s Firearms Commerce in the United States […]

NFA Firearms by State

NFA Firearms by State

As I mentioned in our article on reduced NFA wait times, NFATracker is an awesome resource for our community. These guys collect and display various ATF paperwork approval and NFA transfer information. I’m including some information from their website here, but you really should go check them out on your own. While you’re there, you […]

Faster NFA Processing Times

NFA Approval Times Getting Faster!

We’ve got some great news for our industry… NFA paperwork processing times from the ATF are dropping. We have even better news for you if you already have your FFL. This is likely to encourage more customers to buy NFA firearms (like silencers, short barreled rifles, and more) from you!  Considering that you can make […]

Gun Laws - Violence

Why More Gun Laws Won’t Prevent Violence

No, more gun laws won’t prevent more violence. In fact, our current laws don’t even prevent violence. That doesn’t mean that we need more/better laws. Instead, more restrictions will only make more victims. In this article, we’re going to cover: Current Gun Laws Don’t Work Gun laws don’t stop violence. In fact, no laws stop […]

ATF 2017 Statistics - FFL & SOT

FFL License, Application, SOT, and Inspection Statistics

Welcome to the mother-load of ATF-related data on FFL Applications and Inspections statistics! Each year the ATF publishes a report that includes data on the number of firearms in commerce (made, exported, and imported) and statistics on NFA firearms (forms, revenue, and distribution) and FFLs (applications and inspections. In the ATF’s Firearms Commerce in the […]

2017 NFA Firearms Stats

NFA Firearms, Forms, and Revenue Statistics

Welcome to the mother-load of ATF-related data on NFA firearms! Each year the ATF publishes a report that includes data on the number of firearms in commerce (made, exported, and imported) and statistics on NFA firearms (forms, revenue, and distribution) and FFLs (applications and inspections. In the ATF’s Firearms Commerce in the United States Annual […]

ATF 2017 Firearm Stats - Commerce

ATF Firearm Manufacture, Export, and Import Statistics [2017]

Welcome to the mother-load of ATF-related data on firearms in commerce! Each year the ATF publishes a report that includes data on the number of firearms in commerce (made, exported, and imported) and statistics on NFA firearms (forms, revenue, and distribution) and FFLs (applications and inspections. In the ATF’s Firearms Commerce in the United States […]

ATF Theft Loss Report

ATF Theft/Loss Report – 2016

ATF’s Theft/Loss Report The ATF just released their report of FFL firearm thefts and losses from 2016. The ATF report shows that Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) reported the following in 2016: Total firearms lost/stolen: 18,394 Total firearms stolen: 9,281 Total firearms lost: 9,113 Compared to the ATF’s 2015 Theft/Loss report, that’s a 124% increase in […]

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