Home-Based FFL Guide

Contrary to popular belief, getting a home based FFL is perfectly legal, easy to do, and very common. Unfortunately, there are many myths about getting a home based FFL from the BATF. So, why should you trust the information I’m writing for you here? I’m an actual firearms attorney and specialist in ATF compliance who’s […]

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Concealed Carry Insurance

Concealed Carry Insurance – Should you Get It?

Even though we focus on helping people become FFLs and stay out of trouble with the ATF, we are still well within the “firearms law” realm and are often asked about “concealed carry insurance.” Usually the questions we receive are: Should I get concealed carry insurance? Is concealed carry insurance a scam? If I should […]

[EXPLAINED] HR 7115 – 3D Firearms Prohibitions Act

[EXPLAINED] HR 7115 – 3D Firearms Prohibitions Act

Q: What does HR 7115 mean? A: HR 7115 is effectively a prohibition on the advertisement for “80% receivers” and AR parts, a requirement that homemade guns be serialized with FFL-assigned serial numbers, and it re-defines certain products as “banned hazardous products.” Summary: HR 7115 proposes 3 major changes to current gun laws. It aims […]

ATF Ruling 84-1

ATF Ruling 81-4 – Drop In Auto Sear (DIAS)

Summary: AR15 Drop In Auto Sears (DIAS) manufactured after October 31st, 1981 are considered machine guns and are therefore regulated under the National Firearms Act of 1934. IMPORTANT: Despite this ruling, possession of ANY Drop In Auto Sear along with an AR-15 with some M16 parts, constitutes a machinegun. The Firearm Owner’s Protection Act of […]

Shopify Bans Firearm Sales

Shopify Bans Online Firearm and Gun Part Sales

Shopify just amended their definitions of restricted items to include many firearms and parts. This means that these gun parts and firearms are not allowed to be sold online using Shopify’s services. Banned Firearms for Sale Online on Shopify Shopify’s new policy against online firearm sales prohibits the online sale of the following firearms using […]


Assault Weapons Ban of 2018

The Assault Weapon Ban of 2018 has been introduced in Congress. The new Assault Weapon Ban proposal is similar in structure to the previous Assault Weapon ban of 1994 with one major difference – the new AWB is stricter. Despite the horrible news for gun rights, there is an important exemption that you should know […]

Firearms as Gifts

Firearms as Gifts

Christmas is coming soon! If you’re already an FFL, you’re likely to have customers looking to purchase a firearm as a gift for somebody else. If you’re not already an FFL, what are you waiting for? You can start the process of getting your FFL today! Although this is a great time for increased sales, […]

NFA Firearms by State

NFA Firearms by State

As I mentioned in our article on reduced NFA wait times, NFATracker is an awesome resource for our community. These guys collect and display various ATF paperwork approval and NFA transfer information. I’m including some information from their website here, but you really should go check them out on your own. While you’re there, you […]

Faster NFA Processing Times

NFA Approval Times Getting Faster!

We’ve got some great news for our industry… NFA paperwork processing times from the ATF are dropping. We have even better news for you if you already have your FFL. This is likely to encourage more customers to buy NFA firearms (like silencers, short barreled rifles, and more) from you!  Considering that you can make […]

Gun Laws - Violence

Why More Gun Laws Won’t Prevent Violence

No, more gun laws won’t prevent more violence. In fact, our current laws don’t even prevent violence. That doesn’t mean that we need more/better laws. Instead, more restrictions will only make more victims. In this article, we’re going to cover: Current Gun Laws Don’t Work Gun laws don’t stop violence. In fact, no laws stop […]

ATF Inspections DOD

ATF Inspection Process for DOD Contractors

Today, the ATF released an overview of the inspection process for FFLs who are also Department of Defense Contractors. You can view/download the ATF Inspection Process for DOD Contractors, or read it in full below. NOTE: This process is similar, but different from, the normal ATF inspection process for FFLs who are not also DOD […]

Straw Purchases

What is a Straw Purchase?

Q: What is a Straw Purchase? A: A straw purchase occurs when one person buys a gun for someone else who is either prohibited by law from possessing a gun or who does not want his or her name associated with the transaction. A straw purchase is a felony with a punishment of 10 years […]

Silencers - Vegas

Silencer Would NOT Have Made Vegas Shooting Worse

Despite what Hillary Clinton tweeted after the horrible Las Vegas shooting, a silencer would not have made the shooting worse. I make this claim for three reasons: 1 – Silencers don’t work like she thinks they do, 2 – There is no current law preventing the shooter from using a silencer, and 3 – The […]

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