Home-Based FFL Guide

Contrary to popular belief, getting a home based FFL is perfectly legal, easy to do, and very common. Unfortunately, there are many myths about getting a home based FFL from the BATF. So, why should you trust the information I’m writing for you here? I’m an actual firearms attorney and specialist in ATF compliance who’s […]

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Summary of Obama’s Gun Control Executive Orders

President Obama’s Proposed Executive Orders on Gun Control President Obama is set to announce executive orders on gun control later this week.  Today, a fact sheet summarizing Obama’s proposed gun control executive actions was published (see full text below).  The fact sheet outlines four key proposed initiatives of Obama’s executive actions on gun control: Keep […]

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ATF Ruling 2015-1

ATF Ruling 2015-1 was published by the ATF on January 2, 2015. You can view, download, and save the PDF of ATF Ruling 2015-1 by clicking on the image of the ruling. For your convenience, I have also included the full text of the ruling in this update. Summary: Any business which allows customers to […]

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Sweat the Details for ATF Compliance

“Sweat the Details” is an article I wrote for the NSSF emphasizing the importance of paying attention to the details when it comes to ATF compliance. The article wasn’t meant to scare anybody – instead, it was an attempt to educate FFLs about what the ATF considers a “willful violation.” Simply, you can lose your […]

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ATF Ruling 2010-10

ATF Ruling 2010-10: 18 U.S.C. 921(a): DEFINITIONS18 U.S.C. 922(a)(1)(A): LICENSES REQUIRED18 U.S.C. 923(a): LICENSES REQUIRED18 U.S.C. 923(i): IDENTIFICATION OF FIREARMS 27 CFR 478.11: DEFINITIONS27 CFR 478.41(a): LICENSES REQUIRED27 CFR 478.92: IDENTIFICATION OF FIREARMS Any person licensed as a dealer-gunsmith who repairs, modifies, embellishes, refurbishes, or installs parts in or on firearms (frames, receivers, or otherwise) […]

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