Articles related to working with the Bureau of Alcohol. Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) – including licensing, rules, guidelines, etc.
So, you’re either thinking about getting your FFL, or you already have an FFL license and are curious about Responsible Persons (RPs). We get it – there’s a lot of confusion about Responsible Persons on FFLs. We hear questions about RPs like: We’ll cover these questions in this Responsible Person Guide. Of course, the basics […]
There’s a special ATF Form before you can transport NFA Firearms across state lines – it’s the ATF Form 5320.20 form (also called the “Form 20”) In this ATF 5320.20 form guide, we’re going to cover: Restrictions on Interstate NFA Firearm Transportation Before we cover the rules for traveling with NFA Firearms across state lines, […]
Ok, you can see where the firearms industry is heading and you’ve realized that this year is the best time to get an FFL to become a firearms dealer or even a licensed manufacturer but you’re not sure about the requirements for becoming an FFL holder. We get it – the whole process can seem […]
Welcome to the mother-load of ATF-related data on firearms in commerce! Each year the ATF publishes a report that includes data on the number of firearms in commerce (made, exported, and imported) and statistics on NFA firearms (forms, revenue, and distribution) and FFLs (applications and inspections. In the ATF’s Firearms Commerce in the United States […]
After you’ve taken our Get Your FFL course and you’re up and running with your FFL, depending on your FFL type you’re going to want to start either making firearms or buying them at dealer pricing and having them shipped straight to your door – even at your home . But…. you’re going to have to do one more thing […]
The ATF has released new versions of seven revised FFL & SOT forms! We’ve got the latest versions here for you to download here. Below are descriptions, and the most up-to-date versions, of each of the following forms: All of these include revised mailing addresses and went into effect February 1, 2019. The ATF has […]
The ATF’s Federal Firearm Regulations Reference Guide (FFRRG) has been updated for 2023! The ATF hasn’t updated the FFRRG since 2014 and if you want to order the outdated copy from the federal government, it’ll cost you $39.95. RocketFFL, the leader in helping you get your FFL and stay compliant and in business once you’ve […]
When this article was first written in 2017, the Minnesota Handgun Carry Permit had just been approved by the ATF as an alternative to the normally required FBI NICS background check prior to the transfer of a firearm from an FFL to a customer. As of then, Minnesota Handgun Carry Permits with expiration dates of […]
How to Get a Class 3 License Ok, first off, there’s really no such thing as a “Class 3 License.” Instead, someone who has a Federal Firearms License, must become a Special Occupational Taxpayer (SOT) in order to deal, manufacture, or import a certain category of firearms called NFA Firearms/Title II firearms. This special category […]
What is an FFL number? An FFL number is a unique identifying number assigned to every Federal Firearms License issued by the ATF. In addition to identifying FFLs, the FFL number also shares some information about the FFL (like the Type of FFL, the expirations date, and more). What does an FFL number mean? An […]
There has been a lot of discussion about “80% Frames” or “80% receivers” lately. We get many questions about them, such as: Are “80% frames” legal? What are “80% receivers”? Is an “80% frame” legally a firearm? Can I convert an “80% receiver” into a firearm? We aim to answer all of these questions here […]
Summary: AR15 Drop In Auto Sears (DIAS) manufactured after October 31st, 1981 are considered machine guns and are therefore regulated under the National Firearms Act of 1934. IMPORTANT: Despite this ruling, possession of ANY Drop In Auto Sear along with an AR-15 with some M16 parts, constitutes a machinegun. The Firearm Owner’s Protection Act of […]