NFA Firearms by State

NFA Firearms by State

As I mentioned in our article on reduced NFA wait times, NFATracker is an awesome resource for our community. These guys collect and display various ATF paperwork approval and NFA transfer information.

I’m including some information from their website here, but you really should go check them out on your own. While you’re there, you might notice that they recommend the same A&D Boundbook software that we do!

One of the neat pieces of information they share is the distribution of NFA firearm transfers by state. Here’s a hint…there’s a clear leader!

Which State has the Most NFA Sales?

Texas has the most NFA firearm sales…by far!

NFA Firearm Sales by State
NFA Firearm Sales by State –

The legend on the map goes from green to blue, but Texas is so far in the lead that the map shows light green to dark green and then a giant jump to blue.

Here’s a breakdown of the top states by the number of NFA transfers which shows Texas in the lead with 6,246, which is almost 3 times more than Florida, in second place with 2,318:

StateNFA Firearm Transfers

With the recent news of drastically faster ATF processing times for NFA paperwork, this might be the PERFECT time to get your FFL.

I look forward to having you in our industry.

Ryan Cleckner is a former special operations sniper and current attorney specializing in firearms law/ATF compliance and is a firearms industry executive (former govt. relations manager for NSSF, Vice President of Remington Outdoor Company, and a SAAMI voting board member).

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