Category: FFL

Articles related to getting and keeping your FFL. Included are topics like working with the Bureau of Alcohol. Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) and information about Federal Firearms Licenses (FFL) to help make decisions about FFL type, FFL cost, and SOT Classes.

how to get your ffl in arizona

How to Get Your FFL in Arizona: Step-by-Step Guide

With a Federal Firearms License (FFL), you can become one of the few people in your community that can legally sell firearms. This is not only a valuable service but also an exciting venture to try. There are just a few requirements to follow to get your FFL in Arizona. At Rocket FFL, we hope […]

how to get your ffl in arkansas

How to Get Your FFL in Arkansas

Deciding that you want to apply for a Federal Firearms License (FFL) can mean a surge of excitement and anticipation. Getting your FFL means you will be able to serve your community by legally buying and selling firearms. However, many people quickly lose that excitement once they see what the process of applying for one […]

how to get your ffl in alaska

How to Get Your FFL in Alaska

A growing number of people across the nation want to serve their communities as Federal Firearms License (FFL) holders. These FFL holders are allowed by federal law to handle the selling and distribution of firearms. There are just a few requirements to follow to get your FFL in Alaska. At Rocket FFL, we hope to […]

how to get your ffl in alabama

How to Get Your FFL in Alabama

A growing number of people across the nation want to serve their communities as Federal Firearms License (FFL) holders. These FFL holders are allowed by federal law to handle the selling and distribution of firearms and ammunition through processes like FFL transfers. There are just a few requirements to follow to get your FFL in […]

Firearm Background Checks

Firearm Background Checks

Before purchasing a firearm from a licensed gun dealer (Federal Firearm License or “FFL”) federal background check requirements must be met. This means that the customer must complete a federal form and, in most cases, undergo a criminal background check. Firearm Purchases from Gun Dealers In order to purchase a “standard” firearm from a licensed […]

Class 3 License

Class 3 License & How to Become a Dealer

How to Get a Class 3 License Ok, first off, there’s really no such thing as a “Class 3 License.” Instead, someone who has a Federal Firearms License, must become a Special Occupational Taxpayer (SOT) in order to deal, manufacture, or import a certain category of firearms called NFA Firearms/Title II firearms. This special category […]

FFL Number

FFL Number – What it Means and How to Look it Up

What is an FFL number? An FFL number is a unique identifying number assigned to every Federal Firearms License issued by the ATF. In addition to identifying FFLs, the FFL number also shares some information about the FFL (like the Type of FFL, the expirations date, and more). What does an FFL number mean? An […]

how to get your ffl in fl

How to Get Your FFL in Florida

A growing number of people across the nation want to serve their communities as Federal Firearms License (FFL) holders. These FFL holders are allowed by federal law to handle the selling and distribution of firearms. There are just a few requirements to follow to get your FFL in Florida. At Rocket FFL, we hope to […]

ATF Form 4 Guide

ATF Form 4 – Everything You Need to Know

If you’re looking into buying an NFA Firearm, you’ve probably heard of the ATF Form 4, but you may not be sure exactly what it is, when to use it, or even how the Form 4 is used. First, what are NFA Firearms? NFA Firearms are a special class of highly regulated firearms. The category […]

California Ammunition Sales

California Ammunition Law 2018 Explained

Q: What are the new California ammunition laws? A: Beginning January 1, 2018, all ammunition sales must occur in face-to-face transactions (no online ammunition sales in California) and the seller needs a valid Ammunition Vendor License in order to sell more than 500 rounds of ammunition in any 30-day period. Ammunition in California California has […]

ATF Inspections DOD

ATF Inspection Process for DOD Contractors

Today, the ATF released an overview of the inspection process for FFLs who are also Department of Defense Contractors. You can view/download the ATF Inspection Process for DOD Contractors, or read it in full below. NOTE: This process is similar, but different from, the normal ATF inspection process for FFLs who are not also DOD […]

Straw Purchases

What is a Straw Purchase?

Q: What is a Straw Purchase? A: A straw purchase occurs when one person buys a gun for someone else who is either prohibited by law from possessing a gun or who does not want his or her name associated with the transaction. A straw purchase is a felony with a punishment of 10 years […]

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